Blind Bargains

Audio Player Blind Bargains Qast 141: 14 Taps And 2 Tips

Episode 140 contained an interview about math. so, it seemed only fair that BBQ 141 balanced the scales with a discussion about words. Okay, typing words with FlickType. There are also not one, but two, handy tips this week. "Last Word" features one of the normal subjects you have become accustomed to expecting at the end of the show.

In The News:

United Airlines adds Audio Description and more to their free In Flight Entertainment options

Envision AI looks to sponsorships for adoption of their services

BrailleBack public beta sports Orbit Reader support and other surprises

Google updates their Android Accessibility Scanner app for those looking for suggestions on how to improve their app experiences

Braille Neue is a universal typeface out to change the way we feel and view text

Related, This Experimental Typeface Cleverly Combines Braille With the Latin Alphabet

Interview: Kosta Eleftheriou Of FlickType

Fleksy was one of the earliest iOS app success stories for our community. Heck, it was our number one story for "This Year In A.T. 2012". So what happened to the app and how is it related to the current buzz building on the internet about alternative keyboards? Kosta Eleftheriou, cofounder, takes us on a short history lesson of how the foundations of that early Fleksy VO work were used to bring FlickType to life. He then gives us a demo of how the new app works and what he envisions for the future once the app moves past the public beta stage.

Tip: Trash Bags Make Great Rain Shields

Lifehacker reminds us that having a trash bag on hand could save your laptop from the rain when traveling. And this prompted Joe to mention the flooding tips from episode 112.

Sound Off:

Stan Littrell took Joe's comment about being our field reporter for updates to heart. Just look at what he sent in this week.

"The following email was sent out early this morning by the folks at
Orbit Research. Hello,
Orbit Research announces the release of its latest software version
v01.01.48 for Orbit Reader 20 which is available for download at
There is an update in the localization package Orbit Reader 20 -
Localization v1.16 which contains necessary files and user guide for
the localization feature and is available for download at
What s new in v01.01.48:
Now more number of entries are allowed in the localization table.
We have fixed the Issue of bookmark getting skipped, after deleting a
bookmark in bookmark navigation .
There are stability and maintenance updates in the latest version.
Please check the release notes for more information."

And then, after we recorded this episode, he passed this information along...

"Some people have experienced a bug in the latest release of the orbit
reader 20 firmware whereby the unit didn't turn on. I received this
email a while ago. Hello,
We have been investigating the behaviour reported by folks on this
list relating to the Orbit Reader unit not turning on, and have found
an issue in the latest release (01.01.48) which is causing this
behaviour. We will provide an update with a fix within the next two to
three days and regret the inconvenience caused due to this issue.
Orbit support team "

Thanks Stan for those reports. And thanks to Mike Hartwig for this episode's second tip regarding the Victor Reader podcast email from our previous show's "Sound Off" section.

"Hello Blind Bargains,

The following solution is a helpful hint when podcasters release
numerous pieces of audio during the different conventions that they
may attend throughout the year.

This is for stream users, but may also apply to whatever player you
may own. You will need to consult your player s manual.

Go to the online bookshelf menu, and select downloaded podcast
episodes to keep, and set it to manual. After doing this you will have
to check all of your subscribed podcast feeds for new content. Then
you can download as many as you want and they will not be deleted with
newer material. After a particular convention is over, you can go back
and set this setting to whatever it was set at before you changed it."

Fred Wurtzel writes in with his thoughts on our CSUN Wrap Up audio.


I am loving listening to your wrap-up show. It is so much more than a mere feature report on various products. It is a wonderful perspective from veteran blind and low vision folks having a great interplay from individual perspectives. This is wonderful. I think our training centers ought to use this at the beginning of any technology training classes.

Thank you Blind Bargains!"

Speaking about that show, Juan asked a question that several of you have asked us in social media and email about a product not listed in the show notes for that episode.

"Hi all,

I was listening to your wrap up show of CSUN 2018, and heard about the new slate that is coming out. I was wondering if you could link it on the show notes, or on the news section. I googled the item, but only found web sites that want donations to fund the product, but I was wondering if it was being sold yet.


Sadly no it isn't. Here is the Korean page for AT Overflow that does shed some light on the product. Oh, and the device Ricky and Joe mentioned was called the TactiPad Drawing Tablet and is available from IRIE A.T..

Last Word:

We didn't plan it this way, however, here is a pair of stories about burghers and cows.
The impossible slider
This 'Fitbit for Cows' Could Help Farmers Improve Milk Production

Shout out to the Main Menu team for having Shelly and Joe on the program to talk CSUN Low Vision tech. You can hear the [Main Menu archive of the show at this link. Also, Shelly and J.J.'s joint coverage of CSUN for Access World is now online for your reading pleasure. Lastly, J.J. was on AMI's "Double Tap" program talking about that CSUN event. Catch all the goings on with "Double Tap" and "Tech Talk" by visiting their page.

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