Blind Bargains

Audio Player #CSUNATC19 Audio: TrySight Focuses On Mainstream Displays For Their Approach To Video Magnification

It might seem like a novel approach to take off the shelf technology and adapt it to the needs of others, however, CSUN has been known for companies transforming the every day product into that of A.T. for decades. Substitute a Sony Camcorder for an iPad Pro 13 inch, or a Samsung VR, and you will find that the process of the past isn t all that different from the current forms Video Magnification can take. Shelly spoke to Namita Joshi of TrySight Canada - Low Vision Solutions, about two of their currently shipping products that use iPads and Samsung VR display solutions. The iPad option uses a fold up stand for easy to carry travel concerns. And the VR headset can be operated by voice control for hands free use. If you would like to learn more about these products, and others in their line, visit the TrySight Canada website

CSUN 2019 coverage is Brought to you by AFB AccessWorld.

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