Blind Bargains

Over 2,200 People Sign Wayfinder Access Petition, Not Too Late to Sign Up

Normally, we don't expect much to result from online petition drives, but the TalkNav petition to encourage Vodafone to do right for the customers of Wayfinder Access has gained some media and company attention. Over 2,200 signatures are currently on the online protest, with more still being solicited. The petition calls for Vodafone to ensure accessible GPS software remains available in one way or another to blind and visually impaired users of Symbian-based cell phones. In some Asian countries, Wayfinder Access is the only accessible solution. To read more or sign the petition, follow the link on this post.

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Category: Software
Displaying 1 comment.
darknexus Tuesday, 30-Mar-2010 11:37 PM ET:

Anyone and everyone should sign this, whether you are a Symbian user or not. Keeping more options open is never bad and considering the rather limited number of options we do have we really need to try and keep this one open. I'm not a Wayfinder user personally, as I use Navigon on the iPhone, but you never know in the future what device you'll end up using and it's important that you not be left out in the cold if there is any chance at all.

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J.J. Meddaugh is an experienced technology writer and computer enthusiast. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a major in telecommunications management and a minor in business. When not writing for Blind Bargains, he enjoys travel, playing the keyboard, and meeting new people.

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